Dear Parents, Happy Autumn to you and your family. It is hard to believe it is October! Our students are working hard each day praying, learning and playing.
To begin the Month of the Rosary, our Fourth Graders celebrated and presented a beautiful Prayer Service devoted to Our Blessed Mother.
Various classes will be on field trips. On October 9th, the 4th Graders enjoyed going to Fire Island and the lighthouse. Our 5th and 6th Grades went to United Skates. The 7th Grade Diocesan Technology Day was rescheduled to October 18th and the Kindergarteners will be going to the Aquarium.
We have had a wonderful beginning to the school year for our staff and students. Everyone appears to be settling in very nicely. Thank you to all the parents who attended 'Back to School Night.' It was so nice to see so many families and I loved meeting the new families too. September was filled with many activities especially for our Eighth Graders. They performed for all of us at the Talent Show and that night they had their first dance of the year.
Bishop Barres visited our school and we certainly were so happy to have him at Trinity. We were also visted by Dr. Walsh, our Superindendent, Father Sean Magaldi, the Director of Vocations and Mr. Biagio Arpino, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel.
October will be just as busy as September as we have planned many activities for the students. Iowa Testing will be coming to an end. HSA is hosting the Halloween Party on October 18th. There will be an Early Childhood Open Houses the Week of October 21st. If you know anyone interested in Nursery or Pre-K, please ask them to visit. Good Luck to all of our Eighth Graders taking the Catholic High School Entrance Exam on October 26th.
A few reminders: Half Day for ALL programs on Monday October 21st School Pictures October 28th & 29th - details to follow School is Open November 1st.