Dear Trinity Families,
We are excited that the new school year is once again upon us and that we will be returning again to in-person instruction. We have been working with the Diocese and our consulting firm all summer to ensure that we can have as much of a return to normalcy as possible this school year. I would like to convey some details about how the school will be operating this year amidst the ongoing pandemic and share a message from our superintendent. Please be aware that all protocols are subject to change based on pandemic conditions and public health agency directives.
Our planning was guided by the following priorities:
Health and safety of our students, faculty and staff
Commitment to remain open in person and full time
Adherence to public health guidelines
Trends in infection rates and new COVID variants
Return to all in school and after school activities
We understand that the main question for many parents is what the mask policy will be for the 2021-2022 school year. Based on the recommendations of the CDC, AAP, and the intentions of our incoming governor, we will be starting the year mandating indoor mask usage and with masks optional for all outdoor and physical education activities. It is our hope that as the infection rate declines, vaccinations become available to younger age groups, and policy recommendations shift, that we can modify this mask policy. We understand the fatigue of mask usage and will constantly be reassessing mask usage with the Diocese and our consulting firm.
Additionally, the usage of masks while indoors means that we will no longer need to contact trace or quarantine students near positive cases in the classroom. Quarantines may result from lunch, outside activity or other unforeseen circumstances, but students masked and near a positive individual will not be considered exposed. Instead, individuals who are masked and near a positive student will be notified that they were in the same proximity as a positive individual and should monitor themselves for any signs of illness, but are not required to quarantine.
Vaccinations will not be mandatory, however, there will not be any quarantine requirement for vaccinated individuals exposed to someone positive for COVID-19.
We will not be offering a remote learning option this school year. Remote learning will only be available to students mandated to quarantine or isolate for a designated period of time.
Student health screening questionnaires and barriers will be eliminated to start the year as we layer other mitigation measures to protect your child. We will be focusing on increasing air circulation and filtration in classrooms and communal spaces to mitigate risks of aerosolized transmission of COVID-19.
As we get closer to the start of the year, we will share more details about our health and safety plan and keep you up to date with any shifts in policy or protocols. It is our full intention to offer all in school and after school functions and activities this year that were available in years past and layer safety measures that protect our students and faculty to the greatest degree possible.
A message from Dr. Denise Smith : 3363_001.pdf
We look forward to the start of the school year and the easing of restrictions throughout the year.
Thank You,
Mrs. Ayers