What is Stewardship? It is a sharing of time, talent and treasure to build a faith community, which spreads the Good News of Jesus. We ask our school families to practice Stewardship in the parish, school or community at large. The practice of stewardship affects admissions and tuition at Trinity.
Those families registered in one of our six parishes will be given priority in registration over out-of-region families. Since our sponsoring parishes contribute subsidy to assist in tuition costs, those families who practice stewardship will receive "participating" status.
What does my family have to do to qualify for "participating" status?
--Formally join (register) one of Trinity's six parishes
--Attend Mass as a family each week and on holy days of obligation.
--Demonstrate membership and attendance by using the parish's envelope system as you attend Mass each week.
--Contribute at least $850 each year to your parish.
--Participate in sharing your time and talent in the parish, school or community at large.
Our Parishes:
St. Anthony of Padua, East Northport, St. Elizabeth, Melville, St. Francis of Assisi, Greenlawn, St. Hugh of Lincoln, Huntington Station, St. Philip Neri, Northport and Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Centerport.
Tomorrow's Hope Foundation was created in 2005 by the Diocese of Rockville Centre to offer financial assistance to families of children in Catholic elementary schools. Applications can be obtained in late January from the school principal. The deadline for applying to the foundation is April 1, prior to the upcoming school year.
Trinity Regional School offers tuition assistance to those families who are school families and qualify. Our fund is limited. Please contact the school principal for further information.